1:1 Online Coaching with Taylor

"One-on-One Coaching for professional women in tech wanting to reach their full potential in their health, wellness, and career"

Does This Sound Like You?

You're tired from coding all day...but your health is declining

Spending 40 hours a week at work, eating takeout daily, and coming home to take care of household responsibilities can leave you feeling exhausted and neglecting your health.

FitFirm Coaching offers a solution for busy working women In tech to prioritize their fitness and wellness with sustainable and easy-to-follow methods.


But Who's Going to Put YOU First, if YOU Don't?

If you don't prioritize your health and well-being, no one else will do it for you. Having experienced the tech industry, I always ensure that my fitness and wellness are integrated into my daily schedule. This not only allows me to take care of myself but also be present for my family.

At FitFirm Coaching, I eliminate the uncertainty surrounding which workouts to do or which trendy diet to follow. Instead, I focus on teaching sustainable nutrition methods that allow you to indulge in the foods you love while still staying on track. I also develop scalable workouts that are tailored to your fitness level and goals. IF this sounds like something you've been looking for, apply to work with me today!

"Yes...it's me, your Trainer, in your Pocket!"

Here's What You Get

Custom Weekly



I customize workouts to fit your fitness level and objectives. By organizing workouts into training blocks, we can track progress and achieve desired outcomes.

Custom Nutrition



Everyone's nutrition needs are unique, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach. My nutrition coach offers adaptable strategies to assist you in achieving your fitness goals while still being able to enjoy your favorite foods!

Constant Communication & Check Ins


In addition to monthly progress stats, we will be in direct communication via the app messenger where we can chat as frequently as needed for daily guidance and accountability. Weekly Check ins are MUST for best results!

Application For 1:1 Online Coaching NOW

Please fill out this form in as much detail as possible so I can see if we'd be a good fit in working together. I pride myself on working with those who are serious about making a change in their lifestyle and who are committed to the journey with me, by their side. Upon completion of this form you will be redirected to book a free consultation call with me to discuss your needs in more detail.

Jolene H.

Client Testimonial

I was having a lot of trouble making and following a plan for the gym. I contacted FitFirm to help take a better approach to reaching my fitness goals. FitFirm took the information about my training, overall health, and fitness goals and tailored a plan specifically for me.

FitFirm Coaching focuses on empowering women with full-time jobs to achieve their maximum potential by incorporating fitness, nutrition, accountability, and community support.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 FitFirm Coaching